
Showing posts from January, 2020

Pyramids on the Nile

1/30/20 Main Idea: Science and Technology. Using the mathematical knowledge and engineering skills Egyptians built beautiful monuments to honor dead rulers Why it Matters Now: Many of the monuments built by the Egyptians stand as a testament to their ancient civilizations delta-a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river Narmer- an ancient Egyptian king  pharaoh-a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god as well as a political and military leader theocracy-a government in which the ruler is viewed as a divine figure; a government controlled by religious leaders pyramid-a massive structure with a rectangular base and four triangular sides like those that were built in Egypt as burial places for Old Kingdom pharaohs  mummification-a process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying hieroglyphics-an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds papyrus- a tall reed that grows in the Nile delta

Mesopotamia Quiz

1/29/20 Today we had a 75 point quiz on Mesopotamia. I think I did a good job and only got maybe 2 question wrong. I thought it was pretty easy. I didn't study for it,  but I still was pretty prepared. The 10 minutes before the quiz started was really helpful. That was the only time I got to study. I finished pretty soon, so I started on taking notes on page 35-48. I just started on the blog for the notes but I still need to finish the notes by hand for the rest of the class tomorrow. When we get our tests back, I  hope I did really good. If I didn't do good, it would probably bring my grade down because all that's in Veracross is the blogs from last week and the composition book grade.

Mesopotamia Home of the Earliest Cities

1/28/20 Mesopotamia Home of the Earliest Cities population grew due to new irrigation techniques  cities and towns were founded  Sumerians invented the earliest form of writing known as "cuneiform" gods representing the natural elements of the world world's first surviving story was "Epic of Gilgamesh" The Ziggurat was a Sumerian temple built on top of a "mountain of earth" Civilization in Mesopotamia nomads drove herds in many areas Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians ~their gods took the place f previous gods and all were forced to worship them Kings emerged as did family dynasties and the concept of the "city-state" King Hammurabi of Babylon created a series of laws known as Hammurabi's Code The punishment for not following Hammurabi's Code was "An eye for an eye" like you get what you did fertile mud => silt Sumerians first divided the hour into sixty minutes and the minute into sixty seconds

From Prehistory to Civilization

1/24/20 Before Civilization/Prehistoric Era Origins and Ages of Humans: prehistory- things that happened before written language 2000,00 years ago a human species emerges in equatorial (central) Africa Earliest prehistoric age= Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)- marked by advanced tool making and beginnings of agriculture  Agricultural Revolution: Neolithic Revolution was a shift from hunting and gathering to more permanent settlements populations rose due to surplus of food.  Men were high on social hierarchy and hunted and did things outside the house~ women were low and cared for the children wheel and plow made it possible to produce enough food for storage surplus =>more trading => more people villagers  were polytheists worshipping multiple gods Countries that are now in  Mesopotamia/ Fertile Crescent Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran

City-States in Mesopotamia

1/23/20 1. Terms The Fertile Crescent is a curved shape of land and the riches of it called "the land between the rivers" because it was between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers Mesopotamia is the lands facing the Mediterranean Sea and a plain A city state is a city and its surrounding lands functioning as an independent political unit A dynasty is a series of rulers from a single family Cultural diffusion is the spreading of ideas or products form now culture to another An empire is a political unit in which a number of peoples or countries are controlled by a single ruler Polytheism is the belief in more than one god Hammurabi is  t he sixth king of Babylon who recognized that a single, uniform code of laws that would help unify the diverse groups in his empire. 3.  The three environmental challenges in Sumeria are the unpredictable flood ing combined with a period of little to no rain, no natural barriers for protection, and the limited natural resourc

First Day of Class

1/22/20                Today was the first day of class. We talked about the rules and what we are supposed to do in class. We talked about putting our phones in the pocket and what to do about the blogs. The blogs will be due on the day of class at midnight. They have to be 150- 200 words. If I'm absent, all I have to do is say that I wasn't in class on my blog. We get two points each blog we do. The points add up at the end of the year so it good to do them on time. If I don't do them on time, then I get One point out of two. At the end of class, we set up our blogs and emailed them to Mr. Schick. I also learned how to design my blogger which was very cool. My background to my blog is now the ocean.

God Grew Tired of Us

Flora Lau  1/13/20 God Grew Tired of Us 1. How many people lost their lives from the civil war in Sudan? 2 million people lost their lives from the civil war in Sudan 2. Who are the Lost Boys?  . What two things started the civil war in Sudan?  The Lost Boys were orphaned young boys who went to a  refugee  camp to escape war. Two things that started the civil war is religion and oil. 4. Who was fighting in the war?  North and South Sudan 5. What hardships did the boys face on their journey to Ethiopia?  They lacked food, shelter and water because they were in the desert . Animals were also attacking them. 6.What happened to the refugee camp at Ethiopia? The refugee camp shut down as the new Ethiopian government took over.  7. How many years did the Lost Boys walk total after the attacks on the villages? They walked for 5 year total 8. In what ways to the boys eat differently than average Americans?  They eat crackers and milk 9. What was John’s j

Forced Migrations

Flora Lau 1/9/20 Forced Migrations                 Today we are learning the definitions of forced migration, IDP, asylum seeker, and refugee. We will also learn how to identify historical examples of forced migrations and how to evaluate the current Syrian Refugee Crisis. Forced migration is the involuntary or coerced movement of a person or people away from their home or home region, resulting from a variety of external causes including natural disasters, violence and persecution.