
Showing posts from March, 2020

Cyber #9 Accountability

3/31/20 Cyber #9 Accountability       The world has been hit with an extreme pandemic causing schools to close down and teach students from online. Because students have work online, they don't have a teacher speaking or explaining the material. People give up easily if something doesn't come naturally come to them. For example, school is not easy for everyone so a student can either ask questions and think about it or just search up the answer. Especially nowadays, technology is so advanced that in a click of a few buttons you can have the answer to most of life's questions. I could easily just google search up a paragraph for this assignment right now if I wanted to, but that doesn't give me accountability. Accountability, to me, means to be responsible and not use someone else's work as your own. In school, it's really hard to cheat since you have teachers physically there and breathing down our necks. But now, all the work is online and there is no one t

Cyber #8

3/27/20 This blog was optional.

Cyber #7

3/26/20 The Plague of Athens vs. COVID-19 The Plague of Athens COVID-19 ·        Killed 75,00 to 100,00 people ·        25% of Athens’s population died ·        When: 431-404BC ·        Where: Athens and other city states around  ·        Killed up to 22,337 people so far ·        502,789 cases ·        When: December 31, 2019- Now ·        Where: most of the world

Cyber #6

3/25/20 Phillip II- He is the father of Alexander the Great and was born in 382BC. He was the king of Macedon and led the kingdom from 359- 336 BC. He used his military experience to expand his country's territory and he ended up dominating almost all of his neighboring Greek city- states. Alexander the Great- He is the son of Phillip II and successor of the Kingdom of Macedon. He took over the kingdom at the age of 20 and led his kingdom into many battles. He helped spread Greek culture and built over 70 cities along trade routes. His reign signaled the beginning of the Hellenistic Age. He is most known for conquering the Persian Empire. Darius III- He was born in 380 BC and was the King of the Persian Empire. His reign was from 336-330 BC. His empire conquered most of Greece and was really strong until Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire in 334 BC.

Cyber Day #5

3/23/20 Alexander the Great and Bucephalus          Bucephalus was Alexander's horse that he won. He was known to have a massive head, black coat, and a white sea on his brow. Alexander's father was offered Bucephalus for a large sum, but thought Bucephalus appeared untamable. But Alexander said to take the horse and if he couldn't tame it then he would have to pay his father back. Alexander goes on to tame Bucephalus by speaking to him and turning the horse away from the sun so he doesn't see his shadow. They grow up together for nearly two decades and fought many battles. Unfortunately, Bucephalus dies of battle wounds in 326BC. Alexander the Great loved the horse and even founded a city named Bucephala in honor of his stallion. Theres even a mosaic of Alexander the Great and Bucephalus in battle.  

Cyber Day #4

3/20/20 To be honest, I hate online school. It just frustrates me that I don't have a teacher to help me through assignments, so it takes me longer to do them. Especially in math, I don't have a single clue how to do what we are doing. My math teacher is great at explaining and really does the best at working with online learning, but I had to ask my mom, brother, and friends for help. I like how school gave structure to my life and kept me on track, but since I don't have that I've been distracted. There are some up sides to online school. One is that I don't have to get ready and wake up early. Another is that I get to FaceTime my friends. And the best part is that I get to eat while doing work.

Cyber Day #3

3/19/20 Why the Socrates Would Start Questioning Traditional Beliefs       After the war, the athenians lost confidence in democratic government and began to question their values. Socrates like Protagoras would start questioning their beliefs, especially in things regarding their government, because not everything the Athenians would believe in felt true to them. They believed that the universe is put together in an orderly way, and subject to absolute and unchanging laws and that people could understand those laws through logic and reason. Socrates had many supporters, even though there were others who thought he was completely wrong. He believed in the government and not the city's gods. The gods are a good reason why Socrates would start questioning Athenians' beliefs because of how it was possible for gods existing and doing things like fighting in wars with them. It was just unrealistic in his eyes.

Cyber Day #2

Flora Lau 3/17/20 Crucible of Civilization pt.3 The final segment describes how Athens, at the height of her glory, engaged in a suicidal conflict with her greatest rival, Sparta. Through the eyes of Socrates, Athens' first philosopher, viewers see the tragic descent of Athenian democracy into mob rule.The episode opens in 399 B.C., after the great philosopher Socrates has been sentenced to death and Athens lies in ruins after a war with Sparta. This episode goes back to 431 B.C., to an Athens at the height of its cultural, political, and economic power. Having taken great leaps forward in every field of learning, and with a strong economy that dominates Mediterranean trade, Athens and its 150,000 residents are the envy of their neighbors, in particular, bellicose Sparta. Jealous of Athenian success, the Spartans yearn to spill Athenian blood and dominate the region. Of course, Pericles knows what is coming, and he orders the citizens to abandon open areas and take refuge insid

Cyber Day #1

Flora Lau 3/16/20 Assignment #1 1 . Who was Pericles, and what were his goals for Athens? 2. How is a  direct democracy  run? 3. How did the  Delian League  work?           Pericles is a wise and able statesman who led Athens during much of its golden age. He had three goals: to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens. To achieve one of his goals, to strengthen democracy, he basically created direct democracy. A direct democracy is  a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.  After   the  defeat of the Persians, Athens helped  organize  the Delian League. The Delian  League was an alliance of Greek city-states led by Athens to liberate eastern Greek cities from Persian Rule.  In time, Athens took over the league and dominated all the city- states in  it. 

Corona Virus

3/13/20 COVID-19 Information on COVID-19 from Know How it Spreads There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Take steps to protect yourself Clean your hands often Wash your hands  often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available,  use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcoh

Crucible of Civilization pt. 2

3/11/20 The Crucible Of Civilization pt.2 the Greeks' heroic victory against the mighty Persian empire through the life of Themistocles, one of Athens' greatest generals in 490 B.C. when tiny Athens prepares to guard its growing economy and infant democracy against an invasion by Persian armies of Darius the Great. when the Persians arrive for battle, the Greek runner Phidippides runs 140 miles to Sparta in two days to solicit help from its army, according the historian Herodotus/ through Marathon  But Sparta, Athens' rival, refuses to participate The outnumbered Athenians, fighting to uphold their life of freedom, defeat the Persians and send them in humiliation back to Asia one Athenian, Themistocles, realizes Athens has not seen the last of the proud Persians. He persuades city leaders to build a fleet of war ships These ships, called triremes , are "floating missiles" with projecting bows designed specifically to ram enemy vessels the Persian rule

The Crucible of Civilization pt. 1

3/10/20 Crucible of Civilization pt.1 the troubled birth of the world's first democracy, ancient Athens, through the life of an Athenian nobleman, Cleisthenes 5th century BC, the Athenians struggle against a series of tyrants and their greatest rival, Sparta, to create a new "society of equals."  paintings, maps The Revolution, begins at the dawn of democracy in 508 B.C., with the revolution of the common people against aristocratic rule chronicle the key events leading up to the revolution. As the camera roams ancient ruins, the Greek countryside, and old stone roads the inhabitants of Greece once lived in mud houses with no sewage and frequently fell prey to disease and warfare nable to write, they memorized their works of literature in order to pass them on to the next generation. Over time, their hardship and learning whetted their appetite for freedom After rule by tyrants of the aristocratic class and a struggle for power, Cleisthenes (570-507 B.C.), hi

The Fighting Spartans

3/5/20 The Fighting Spartans Greeks were certainly a warlike people - especially the Spartans Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry : soldiers who fought on land Spartan boys trained from the time they were seven  Athens -naval power Athens had a great infantry, too, but nothing could compare with their navy their most effective weapon was the trireme boat Trireme a technological marvel fastest ship in the world at the time rowed by up to 170 men on three levels could be used as a battering ram agile, fast The phalanx close-rank, dense grouping of warriors armed with long spears and interlocking shields soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks Persian empire vs. Greece Persian empire = big Greece = small Persian empire should win Greek Army iron weapons meant ordinary citizens could afford to arm themselves foot soldiers ( hoplites ) trained from an early age armed with spears

Gods and Goddesses

3/4/20  Gods and Goddesses The greeks has a relationship with their gods the interacted with mortal/ humans Poseidon (god) interfered with Odysseus trying to return home Aphrodite (goddess) had lovers of both gods and men Dionysus(god) was son of Zeus and of Semele (a human princess) Zeus ruler of heaven and earth father of Athena god of sky, weather, thunder, lightening, law, order and justice had a temper and was known to hurl thunderbolts Athena goddess of wisdom skill, warfare, peace, intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts was born from zeus forehead fully formed and armored a special patron of heros such as Odyssesus was the patron of Athens (city-state named after her) Apollo - god of music, arts, knowledge, healing  Zeus was his father Artemis was his twin sister he’s associated with the sun his sister with the moon Poseidon - god of the sea, rivers, floods, earthquakes king of the sea and waters brother of Zeus Aph

Democracy and Greece's Golden Age pt.2

3/3/20 Democracy and Greece's Golden Age pt.2 Transformation of Government  during the 6th and 7th centuries BCE, aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece rich people wielded much more influence in society and governmental power than the middle class or poor Aristocracy attended symposiums which are meetings where the elite men would enjoy wine + poetry, performances by dancers + acrobats + the company of heaters (courtesans) while discussing politics Politics no women no middle class no slaves certain aristocrats were excluded Tyrants Seize Control sometimes aristocrats would form alliances with hoplites which are well armed soldiers _ set up an alternative form of government called tyranny  Rules, Codes, and Laws   Draco (621BCE) all athenians are equal under the law death was punishment for many crimes debt slavery is OK(work as a slave to repay debts) Today, we had Mrs. Jaques as a substitute for the first 30 minutes of class. We a