Gods and Goddesses

Gods and Goddesses
  • The greeks has a relationship with their gods
  • the interacted with mortal/ humans
  • Poseidon (god) interfered with Odysseus trying to return home
  • Aphrodite (goddess) had lovers of both gods and men
  • Dionysus(god) was son of Zeus and of Semele (a human princess)
  • ruler of heaven and earth
  • father of Athena
  • god of sky, weather, thunder, lightening, law, order and justice
  • had a temper and was known to hurl thunderbolts
  • goddess of wisdom skill, warfare, peace, intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts
  • was born from zeus forehead fully formed and armored
  • a special patron of heros such as Odyssesus
  • was the patron of Athens (city-state named after her)

Apollo - god of music, arts, knowledge, healing 
  • Zeus was his father
  • Artemis was his twin sister
  • he’s associated with the sun
  • his sister with the moon
Poseidon - god of the sea, rivers, floods, earthquakes
  • king of the sea and waters
  • brother of Zeus

Aphrodite - goddess of love, beauty, desire, sexuality
  • her lovers included Ares (god of war)
  • Adonis (Demi-god / half god half mortal of desire) and Anchises (a mortal who fathered a baby)

Demeter - goddess of grain, harvest, agriculture
  • Zeus’s sister


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