
Cyber #30

6/4/20 Dear Future Flora,       I hope you are doing good and are being the best you can be. I am fifteen years old and go to John Carroll High school, in Bel Air, Maryland. As of right now, 2020, there's the coronavirus. We were quarantined for two months so far and are still wondering how this whole thing will blow over. I have no idea if we will have a summer or a sophomore year but it'll be fine. I still do have plans for summer though. I'm going to Maine with my best friends like last year. I'm so excited for that because it was so fun last time. We are going to fish, shop, swim in the lake, and go to the waterfalls. My brother is going to college next year which is going to be very sad. He is going to the University of Maryland College Park. So that means we are going to have to move him in this summer and I'm not totally ready for that. I'm definitely going to cry and miss him even though he is an hour away. I am also going to be volleyball camps and pr

Cyber #29

5/28/20 Aftermath to the Murder Julius Caesar’s grandnephew - and adopted son - Octavian takes over at the age of 18 with his own triumvirate Mark Antony is an experienced general Lepidus is a powerful politician This is the Second Triumvirate Octavian forces the weak Lepidus to retire He and Mark Antony become rivals Mark Antony partners up with Cleopatra of Egypt Militarily Personally Politically Economically Octavian defeats them at the Battle of Actium Octavian He is now the unchallenged ruler of Rome He was given the honorific “Augustus” “Exalted one” He was also given the title “imperator” Supreme military commander This is where we get the word “emperor” Now Rome is an empire, not a republic 40 years of ruling as emperor (27BC to AD 14) He began a stable era of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) Pax Romana was 207 years long Octavian's Accomplishments Expanded the Roman Empire further into Africa He

Cyber #28

5/26/20 I will be taking the test on June 2nd at 8:55-9:45  A Change in Rule Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebeians (even though he was ultimately unsuccessful) military generals worked that angle - lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils soldiers’ loyalty was to their military leader, not necessarily to Rome or the Republic Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) a highly successful general he conquered the huge territory of Gaul made common folks happy made friends in high places Pompey (a general who conquered Syria and Palestine) Crassus (the richest man in Rome, one of the richest men in all history) these three men formed the First Triumvirate (“rule of three men”) Serves as consul (one year) Appoints himself governor of Gaul Pompey is jealous, becomes his rival In 44BC he is named dictator - first for six months, then for life Granted citizenship to people in provinces Expanded the Senate, ad

Cyber #27

I chose essay topic  C.  Describe how the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy and culture.

Cyber #26

2/18/20 The Roman Empire Main Idea: Empire Building. The creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy, and culture Why it Matters Now: The Roman Empire has served throughout history as a model of political organization and control The Republic Collapses Rome's increasing wealth and expanding boundaries brought many problems Economic Turmoil as Rome grew, the gap between rich and poor grew bigger small farmers found it difficult to compete with the large estates run by the labor of enslaved people Many of the farmers were former soldiers  A period of civil war, or conflict between groups within the same country, followed their deaths Julius Caesar Takes Control in 60 BC military leader, Julius Caesar joined forces with Crasses, a wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a popular general.  Caesar was elected consul in 59 BC  these men dominated Rome as a triumvirate, a group of three rulers Caesar's Reforms Caesar governed as an

Cyber #25

5/14/20 The Punic War s  (264 - 146 BCE) Rome vs. Carthage 3 Wars First Punic War  (264 - 241 BCE) naval battles for control of the strategically located island of Sicily Rome wins this one Second Punic War (218 - 201 BCE) 29-year-old Carthaginian general Hannibal almost does the impossible: taking Rome attacks Rome from the NORTH after crossing Iberia (Spain) and the Alps lays siege to much of the peninsula for 15 years, but he never can get to Rome Third Punic War (149-146 BCE) Rome wanted to finally remove the threat of Carthage Scipio, Tiberius Gracchus, and others mercilessly attacked the city Carthage was burned for 17 days; the city’s walls and buildings were utterly destroyed when the war ended, the last 50,000 people in the city were sold into slavery the rest of Carthage’s territories were annexed, and made into the Roman province of Africa The Impact The Punic Wars slaves poured into Italy (50,000 Carthaginians, 150,000 Gree

Cyber #24

Tarquin  seized power like an old school tyrant Tullia persuades Tarquin to seize the throne from her father they ran tyrant out of town  then there weren't no kings no more the people’s shock at this horrible family and their terrible behavior made them never want to be subject to the rule of kings ever again this was an attitude that lasted for centuries Rule of kings is replaced by rule of two consul consuls are elected officials term of office: one year  always aristocrats ( patricians ) patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor (father) duties: dealing justice, making law, commanding the army one consul could veto the other (reducing the power of the individual) fifth century BCE - patrician dominance of the government was challenged by the plebs (people) plebs were 98% of the population how did the patricians dominate? plebs had to serve in the army,  but could not hold office plebs were threatened with debt slavery plebs had no legal