Cyber #22

Today's assignment was to listen to Rome by Chi Cago and explain your reaction. I was speechless and was confused. My jaw dropped when the song started playing on my computer. It was odd to say the least, but it does cover the topics of Rome that we going over right now. I am very upset that we didn't get to see Mr. Schick perform for us. I feel like It would've been interesting and entertaining. I was expecting school to be canceled/to be online for the rest of the year, but now that it's official it is kind of sad. We didn't get to experience our first year of high school entirely and truly. Also, I feel bad for the seniors because they don't get to celebrate together. My brother is a senior at Calvert Hall and I got a notification the other day that his prom was supposed to happen. It made me extremely sad that he couldn't go.:( but these are insane times and we need to be safe.


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