
Showing posts from April, 2020

Cyber #19

4/30/20 1. The differences between plebeians and the patricians were that plebeians were the common farmers, artisans, and merchants while the patricians were wealthy and were the upper class. 2. The Greek versions of plebeians and patricians were the tyrants/ the rulers, and the helots/ the peasants forced the stay on the land they worked.

Cyber #18

4/28/20 Republic - a form of government in which power rests with citizen who have the right to vote for their leaders Patrician - wealthy  landowners who held most power  Plebeian - common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population Tribune -  an official in ancient Rome chosen by the plebeians to protect their interests. Consul -  an official appointed by a government to live in a foreign city and protect and promote the government's citizens and interests there Senate - aristocratic branch of Rome's government Dictator - a leader who has absolute power to make laws and command the army Legion -  a unit of men in the ancient Roman army. Punic Wars -  The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC Hannibal - a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat

Cyber #16

4/21/20 My essay question would be to d escribe  the relationships and the significance of Alexander the Great, Phillip II, Bucephalus, and Darius III. In the first para graph  I  would explain the significance of Alexander the Great and  Bucephalus. The second paragraph would be the significance of Phillip II. The third paragraph will be the significance of Darius III. The fourth would be the relationship between  Alexander the Great, Phillip II, Bucephalus, and Darius III and how they impacted the  history of Ancient Greece. The fifth will be the conclusion.

Cyber #15

4/20/20 1. This city-state developed a system of government that we still find useful and effective today A.  Athens B. Hellenes C. Polis D. Helots 2.  Who  was the leader of the Athens during the Golden Age? A. Plato B. Zeus C.  Pericles D. Alexander the  Great  3. Who was Alexander the Great? A.  Man who created the Socrates B. King of the Greek gods C.  King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Egypt, and Persia  D. Inventor of democracy 4.  A large temple dedicated to the goddess Athena on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. It was built in the 5th century BCE, during the Athenian golden age A. city- state B. Sparta C. Parthenon D. Delian League 5.  Greek for "high city". The chief temples of the city were located here A.  Aristotle B. tyrant C. Athens D.  Acropolis Question for essay:  Describe  the relationships and the significance of Alexander the Great, Phillip II, Bucephalus, and Darius III

Cyber #14

4/16/20 1) How did Plato define The Forms? He said, "Forms are the ideal versions of the things and concepts we see around us." 2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?  Producers, the military, and the rulers  3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women?  Plato reasoned that women were able to rule in a model city, but his thoughts were inconsistent. He likened them to children and believed that a women's womb was a live animal that could wander around in her body and cause illness.  4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed? The Noble Lie that Plato proposed was that we're all born with gold, silver, or a mixture of brass and iron in our souls, which determines our roles in life.

Cyber #13

4/15/20 According to Greek Mythology, Humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. The search for this kind of love is endless, but is always with us

Cyber #11 Architecture

4/2/20 This is the Colosseum. It is known to be the biggest and and grandest amphitheater in the entire Roman Empire. The construction started in 70 BC This is The Parthenon. It was a former temple dedicated to the goddess,  Athena. Although it was built in 438BC,  most of it is still standing/ was restored and is one of the most visited archaeological places in Greece.

Cyber #10 Theater

4/1/20 Cyber #10 Theater 1. There were two kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of Ancient Greece. They was tragedy and comedy. 2. I was in the play Beauty and the Beast and it features love, hate, and betrayal just like the tragedies in Ancient Greece 3. This is the Theatre at Segesta. As you can see, there are a bunch of rows of seats for people to watch these dramas from all around.