
Showing posts from December, 2019

Introduction to Migration

Flora Lau 12/13/19 Introduction to Migration                Today, we will learn what migration, immigrant , emigrant and push/pull factors. We will also learn the combination of reasons as to why groups of people migrate. And establish migratory trends around the world. Migration is a permanent resettlement of a human population set. An immigrant is a person that comes into a place. An emigrant is a person who leaves a place. Internal migration means moving within the same country. International migration means moving between countries. Theres also forced and voluntary migration. Forced migration means people have no choice to move from place A to place B. Voluntary migration means people have a choice to move. Push factors are negative which are reasons why people leave a place. Pull factors are positive which are the reasons that attract people to other places.                                Migration can be divided into categories. International migration is permanent mo

Mapping the World 5

Flora Lau 12/10/19 Mapping the World 5- Asia 1. Israel 2. Jordan 3. Lebanon 4. Syria 5. Iraq 6. Saudi Arabia 7. Yemen 8. Georgia 9. Armenia 10. Azerbaijan 11. Kuwait. 12. Bahrain 13. Qatar 14. The United Arab Emirates 15. Oman 16. Iran 17. Kazakhstan 18. Uzbekistan  19. Turkmenistan 20. Kyrgyzstan 21. Taijikistan 22. Afghanistan 23. Pakistan 24. Russia 25. Nepal 26. India 27. Maldives  28. Mongolia 29. Asia 30. Buthan 31. Bangladesh 32. Myanmar 33. Thailand 34. Sri Lanka 35. Singapore  . Singapore 36.  Laos 37.  Vietnam 38.  Cambodia 39. Brunei 40 . Malaysia 41 .Indonesia 42  .North Korea 43  .South Korea 44  .Taiwan 45  t.he Philippines 46. Japan 47. East Timor

Guns, Germs, and Steel- Episode 3

Flora Lau 12/5/19 Guns, Germs, and Steel- Episode 3 1)According to Jared Diamond, what allowed Europeans to develop the power necessary to conquer (take over) large portions of the world?  Geography is one factor that allowed europeans to develop  the  power necessary to conquer larger portions of the world. It has the most productive crops and animals allowed Europeans to develop guns, germs, and steel, and ultimately, to conquer the world. 2)Why were the Europeans who settled the South African cape(tip) so successful? Describe two reasons.  The temperature and the climate in the South African cape is nearly the same as what the Europeans had at home. Because the Cape and Europe have a similar latitude (distance from the equator), they can grow the same types of crops and raise the same types of livestock in Africa as they did back home in Europe. 3)How did disease allow the Europeans to conquer the native populations in the Americasand in the Africancape? Europea

Guns, Germs, and Steel- Episode 2

Flora Lau 12/4/19 Guns Germs, and Steel- Episode 2~Conquest 1. At the time that the Spanish conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire, they were armed with state of the art weaponry. Describe this weaponry. Horses made them appear like god-like half man, half beast warriors, body armor, guns, and steel swords. 2. What is Jared Diamond’s explanation for why the Spanish had advanced to steel swords while Inca’s were still making tools and weapons from bronze? Because Europe was geographically close to the Fertile Crescent, they inherited the 7,000 years of metal technology that had been developed there. And because they had a diversified society that allowed for specialization, the Spanish devoted time and effort to producing the longest, strongest, sharpest swords possible. 3. How did the battle tactics used by the Spanish conquistadors help the small army defeat the  Inca army that outnumbered it by the thousands? The Spaniards begin by surprising the In