Guns, Germs and Steel- Episode 1
Flora Lau 11/25/19 Guns, Germs and Steel 1. According to Jared Diamond, what are the three major elements that separate the world’s “haves” from the “have nots”? 1.) Guns 2.) Germs 3.) Steel 2. Jared Diamond refers to the people of New Guinea as “among the world’s most culturally diverse and adaptable people in the world”, yet they have much less than modern Americans.Diamond has developed a theory about what has caused these huge discrepancies among different countries, and he says it boils down to geographic luck. Give several examples from the film to support Diamond’s theory. People living in the Middle East and all of their resources compared to the relatively small amount of resources provided by the jungle areas of New Guinea, and how having more food resources and the ability to store them led people to become more rural and less reliant on being hunter-gatherers. 3. For thousands of years, people have been cultivating crops. ...